Fleet Lions Honeybee Colony
Have you ever wondered how honeybees live and what beekeepers do? Hopefully, this will be an educational journey and a bit of fun as well.
The first two videos lay the foundations for this new colony. We will be tracking their progress and the trials and tribulations both the bees and we beekeepers face throughout the year. We'll also be attempting to provide some insight into the joys of beekeeping generally.
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First Inspection after moving to the new apiary
It is the last day of April, the weather is improving, and swarms have already begun in the area. Our bees have settled and are collecting plenty of nectar but the colony is getting congested.
This short video shows some of the colony inspection and discusses the basics of swarm control.
The First Inspection of the Lions' Bee Colony in 2023
How have the bees survived our wet and cold winter?
We cannot inspect the colony until the weather warms up to 15c. This year that happened in mid-April so by now many colonies would be getting congested promoting the swarming instincts. Are the Lions' Bees preparing to swarm?
Are they even alive?
The Lions Club of Fleet (CIO) have kindly sponsored a honeybee colony. This is just one of their projects to meet the Lions Clubs International environmental objectives. This is the first video of the new honeybee colony moving into their new home, but there's trouble ahead...
To find out more about Fleet Lions and Lions in general visit their website at https://fleetlions.org.uk
This second video tracks the progress of the colony. In the first video we discovered the queen had gone, the colony is therefore doomed unless they or the beekeeper can do something to save the colony. What happened next?
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In this video we see why beekeepers use smokers and how to light one - which can be surprisingly difficult if not done correctly. Does this beekeeper succeed without burning down the forest in this long hot dry summer? Watch and see.
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It's August 2022, and there has been no rain here for weeks. The typical plants that the bees visit, if they have survived the drought, have produced little or no nectar.
Our new colony needs stores to see them through the winter so we need to give them some help.
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In this short video we attempt to show you the different types of honeybees found in the colony.
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To find out more about Fleet Lions and Lions in general visit https://fleetlions.org.uk
To find out more about being a beekeeper leave a comment or visit https://fleetbeekeepers.com
This short video shows a close-up look at Honeybee Eggs and Larvae.
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To find out more about Fleet Lions and Lions in general visit https://fleetlions.org.uk
To find out more about being a beekeeper leave a comment or visit https://fleetbeekeepers.com